We never bought cat food at Costco. Zorro was fussy and Costco did not carry Whiskas, the only brand he would eat. The other problem was the large bag would probably go rancid before Zorro would eat it all.
[caption id="attachment_434" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Zorro, the coolest cat I know."]
Now for the first 6 months we had him we did buy the cat litter at Costco but we soon found that he stopped using the litter box and used the jungle. Typical male, the whole world was his bathroom.
We did not complain about that aspect of Zorro's existence as it was one less item to clean up and 20 bucks we did not need to spend every 8 weeks or so. Oh how things have changed.....
July 8, 2011 - My annual trip home to Alberta to see my kids, Allison and Brendan and my granddaughter, Elizabeth. Always a joyous event to see the kids and to spend time with them. As always when I go home in the summer my brother Alan, his son Jonathan, Brendan and I journey out into the foothills of Alberta to go fishing.
Well that's what we call it anyway. Many would wonder if we actually do any fishing as we rarely come home with any fish but do come home with a fair amount of empties.
This year we made a change to the trip due to high water levels where we normally go and headed out to Jarvis Lake outside of Hinton and spent the weekend camping with Heather's brother, Neil and her brother-in-law, Denis. The fishing was no different from normal and we were still having a good time.
It was on Friday afternoon while we were sitting around shooting the bull and enjoying the sun when Neil while checking his Facebook said "hey you have 4 more cats". Oops I was not supposed to tell you that.
[caption id="attachment_436" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Lluvia the one and only female"]
Cats?? What do mean I have 4 more cats??? I can't wait to hear how Heather could get 4 cats. I had only been gone for 4 days!
[caption id="attachment_439" align="aligncenter" width="149" caption="Esperanzo - The Union Leader"]
It seems that the night before it was absolutely pouring rain as it is apt to do in Nuevo Vallarta in rainy season when Heather heard Alexa making strange noises and pawing at the garage door. When she went down to investigate she saw a little paw coming under the door.
[caption id="attachment_438" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Blanco - trouble with a capital T!"]
Now a lot of people at that point would have ignored it and went back upstairs. However, Heather is not like a lot of people. She opened the door and into the garage ran 3 kittens. Well this was a bit of a shock, especially for someone who never wanted a cat. They were all over her and Alexa. It was then she made that fatal mistake.....she took them upstairs.
[caption id="attachment_440" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Dulce - he is "special""]
Kittens are cute. Even when they are ugly, they are still cute so I understand the pull to protect them.
It was raining, hard. This brought Zorro home. He was not impressed to see the little things in his house so this was a problem. Heather put them into the library where the door could be closed, added some litter to Zorro's litter box and gave them food and water while the big mean adult male sat outside the door and tried to figure out how he would get in to deal with them once and for all.
The next morning a girl who would walk a couple of dogs for her neighbour yelled up that she saw something strange over on the other side of our neighbours house. Heather went down so she could show her what it was. And there laying in the sodden dirt was one very wet and looking dead black kitten. Apparently there were 4 kittens not 3.
The kitten was covered in muck, flies and eggs. Apparently it was dead. Heather went back to the house and called the Vet. He said to try a little food around its nose and see if it responds. He was already coming out to have a look at them and deflea them but it would be an hour or so before he got there.
Heather did as suggested and went down with some wet cat food on her finger and waved it in front of the kitten's nose. CHOMP. The kitten was very much alive but weak. However it still managed to break the skin and cause a little bleeding. So Heather picked it up and brought it to the house.
[caption id="attachment_441" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Kitty armour"]
The Vet examined the kittens and made sure they were good to go. Heather made a trip to Mezcales to see the Doctor about her finger. He told Heather that if the kitten dies it has to be brought in to be tested for rabies being as it bit her.....great, just what she needs.
Needless to say I was interested to see these little additions to the household when I arrived home a week later but I still did not want them. I love cats but one cat was enough, we did not need any more. Heather had been trying to give them away or find a shelter for them but the only one that might be able to take them wanted a $100.00 US a kitten. 400 bucks! I don't think so! However, looking back...that would have been cheap!
It was two days before I arrived home that Heather made the largest mistake. She named them. Blanco, Esperanzo, Dulce and Lluvia. They should have been known as 1, 2, 3 & 4, not real names. Nope they had names. I knew at that point that we now have 5 cats. One whose main goal in life was to kill the other 4.
We still tried to find someone to take the cats. No luck. 2 weeks after I got home Heather headed to Alberta for 2 weeks. I put up posters, I posted on Craigslist. I put them on various Yahoo group boards. One phone call. They wanted a fluffy cat. Something these weren't. Why they would want a long-haired cat in Mexico I will never understand but its their furniture.
When I was not trying to give the kittens away, I was running interference, as was Alexa. It became her duty to protect the kittens from that dastardly Zorro. It was entertaining watch though I must admit I was getting tired of constantly keeping the kittens in the library when Zorro was in the house which became more frequent as he stalked the kits.
There were no takers on the kittens even after we had them sterilized and they got their shots. All that happened was they wormed their way into our hearts. That and they were great fun to watch.
It was early October and the break through was coming. Zorro was becoming more tolerant. He still had to be watched but more time was going by when they were all together before he attacked one. It was apparent that in about a week the worse would be over and they should all be able to live in peace. He was starting to play with them and it was not all aggressive, we could hardly wait.
[caption id="attachment_443" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="If you are going to be around me you must be clean!"]
It was a couple of days after that when Zorro did not come home. We called for him constantly but nothing. He always answered when he was within earshot. There was no trace of him anywhere. Last time I saw him he was walking across the downstairs hallway by the pool with a lizard hanging out of his mouth, his favourite non Whiskas snack. We don't know and never will know what happened to him. It still makes me sad. He was a really cool cat and we miss him a lot.
[caption id="attachment_445" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="We miss you more than you can imagine!"]
Now we have 4 cats. They are growing like weeds and are no end of entertainment though I have to say I never thought a king size bed would be too small!
[caption id="attachment_446" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Are you sure we can't go up there?"]
The standard Costco shopping trip now consists of: a big bag of cat litter(every 2 weeks), a big bag of cat food(every 3 weeks), a big bag of dog food (every 6 weeks) and maybe some cheese....to go with our whine.....
[caption id="attachment_447" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="You know, you kids are really starting to piss me off...."]
[...] The Journey to Casa Madera – I said I wanted A cat!(journeytocasamadera.wordpress.com) [...]