Tuesday 20 October 2015

Embracing change

Well, the Canadian election is over and a new leader has been chosen.   I loved the build up to the election, and I loved how, finally, most people finally agreed on one thing:  The need to exercise our rights as Canadians to VOTE!

Regardless of who won, I have never seen Canadians so stirred up over going to the polls.  Certainly a breath of fresh air, and for that reason alone, Canadians had already won something that seemed to have been lost over the past several years - passion.

My Mom, showing off her Canadian Flags

Even though Kevin and I (and countless others like us) were not allowed to vote in this election because we live on the other side of the Canadian Borders, we do care about what goes on in our country.  We are Canadians and always will be Canadians.  We love our country, and are very excited to see what the coming years will bring.

Principally, I am hoping that Mr Trudeau and the Liberals will also be able to give us back our ability to hold our heads up high when we tell the world that WE. ARE. CANADIAN!  And I am hoping we will soon earn back the respect we used to have as Canadians wherever in the world we happened to travel.   Once again, I want Canadians to be recognized not because of our standard of living, or our tax or education system, but simply because we are the faces of  a nation who can and does accept people because of their differences and not in spite of them.

Honestly, after listening to Justin Trudeaus' speech last night, I don't think I have ever been a prouder Canadian.

This started out as a blog about the upcoming Halloween season, but I guess that will have to wait for another day because I just can't think of a way to segue this into a blog about Trick or Treating and the Day of the Dead.  So, thanks for reading all the way to the end, and as your reward, I leave you with this photo of Kevin and Alexa and a Katerina.

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